Sunday, May 10, 2009

These days

These days are burrowing into deep corners of our minds
Our young children still in love with us
But beginning to find other role models, becoming more interested in friends

These days more precious than rare earth elements
Of tricycles, and wrenches used to put on and take off training wheels
Small eating utensils and toy tea sets
Of the smell of crayon, pee-pee accidents, and sweet breath
Stubbed toes healed with a kiss, the simple glee of a balloon
Of sidewalk chalk, shortened naps, and first words read
Snuggling in the early morn, reading picture books, the thrill of a merry-go-round

If our lives are graced with long duration
These are days that will be cherished after the pitter-pat on hardwood is gone
Even when memory of the past hour is unrecoverable, unknown, immaterial
These days will be sharp and clear, poignant and biting

Written for my loving wife on the occasion of mother's day
My partner, and mother of our children without whom I could not be the father I am


  1. Thank you my love. Your beautiful thoughts made me misty-eyed.

    -She who loves you and our children.

  2. Lovely.

    Reflecting back, I find it an unfair paradox that when I was in the thick of raising small children, I was often too overwhelmed to thoroughly enjoy it. Now that they are older, I miss those days so much! I look forward to my grandchildren. (And don't get me wrong, I love my children where they are at now, too!)
