Saturday, June 6, 2009

The f word again

The same night that Reesa and I were telling a ghost story while at Quaker camp, Genevieve and She-Who-Loves-Songs were out at the sing-a-long, and up came this one from local favorites Lou and Peter Berryman:

There are pirates in their fetid galleons
Daggers in their skivvies

With infected tattooed fingers

On a blunderbuss or two

Signs of scurvy in their eyes

And only mermaids on their minds

It's from them I would expect to hear The F-word, not from you

We sit down to have a chat

It's F-word this and F-word that

I can't control how you young people

Talk to one another

But I don't wanna hear you use

That F-word with your mother...
Of course, Genevieve asked what they meant by "f-word." Shocking, really--haven't we been through this before? Her mother had to remind her: "That's just a song about a mother who is tired of hearing her child say 'this isn't fair' and 'that's not fair' so she sings a song about it."

1 comment:

  1. Have you seen the Sesame Street episode with Tina Fey about the "Bookaneers"? They play off the "what's a pirate's favorite letter" joke (not "arrrrrrrrrr" -- you're just playing into stereotypes) with the answer "F." Then the muppet says, "Pirates love f-words." You know, like fish and flugelhorn. It's among my favorite episodes.

    By the way, enjoying your blog on a referral from Heather White -- I'm at
