Sunday, September 21, 2008

Not the "e" word... try the next letter

Around our house, we have been dealing with the f-word. No, not that f-word, thank goodness. It is a four letter f-word, often preceded by the word "not." Around our house, fights are instigated regularly. Or, put another way:


Oh yes, the wail rises from the oppressed elder four-year old, "It's not f a i r !!"

My wife calls "fair" the f-word. Warns her daughter not to use the f-word. I am appalled -- my wife is messing with f-word, and I don't think that it will bring any good. She merely giggles in glee.

"What about the real f-word?" I ask.

"Oh, that's just that word-that-must-not-be-named," she replied, slipping in the Tom Riddle reference.

"Someday, her friends will be talking about the f-word, and she'll blurt out 'Oh, I know all how you can't say anything around parents about how not fair something is,' and her friends will stare at, think 'ooo, what a square' and will move slowly away."

"So? There's worse things."

I can't put my finger on it, but I think that you just shouldn't mess with the f-word.

The first child to use the real f-word in our house is likely to be Reesa. She loves to walk around, singing little rhyming songs. I always cringe when she is working on her "ucks". You know; cluck, duck, stuck, muck. It's only a matter of time.


  1. He-he-heee! Mommy's retribution!
    I think Genevieve did already go through the rhyming phase with the -ucks (duck, truck...). I also remember specifically remember her -igger rhymes. We had a pretty good conversation about that one and how she's just making random sounds, but she should probably stay away from that one.

  2. Funny I should read this now... Jacob was doing "uck" words this morning. He didn't hit upon the 'f' one (or the 's' one, for that matter) but I was thinking it's just a matter of time.

    He also seems to have picked up Genevieve's habit of saying "actually..." It's even funnier(/more annoying, depending on your mood) coming out of a two-year old.
