Today was the first day that Genevieve and I commuted to work and pre-school via bike. I arrived at work an hour late, trashed a
freewheel, and was generally slow and unorganized; so all-in-all, it went well. The freewheel was old, had worn cogs and a stretched chain. Now I have a new Shimano freewheel and a new chain. At $52 with labor and on-the-spot repair, it beats the cost of a cheap automobile repair. Life is good.

I wondered if my children will share the same zeal that I have for bicycles. Could be that they will grow up with parents that like bikes, they'll experience being occasionally wet and cold with them, and as adults will happily adopt whatever SUV's will be called in twenty-five years. Maybe they will associate bicycles with frugality, and will look at their upbringing in frugality, home cooking, and limited commercial entertainment and will spend the remainder of their lives rejecting their parent's choices. These are the thoughts that went through my head while riding into the city this morning.
Genevieve, on the other hand, was merrily singing, "My daddy, my daddy, my daddy is the greatest." Wish I could've had her miked up.
Graphic source: Wikipedia Commons
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