Monday, April 6, 2009

Color chart ABC's

Genevieve did this gem at pre-school last week. She started with seven columns, intending to do a calendar, but changed her mind and used the first four columns for color charts. Very rainbowy. The fifth column has the ABC song:

NIV = now
i NO = I know
M AB C N X TM = my ABC's, next time
WT YOU SIN G W TH M E = won't you sing with me

She cracks me up.

As you may recall, I quickly gloated when I reached sixth place in the Johnny Quest Memorial Candy Basketball Pool, correctly sensing that I had reached an apex. I am no longer anywhere near sixth place, and in the interest of complete and unbiased journalism, I report the following:
  1. Genevieve won the family pool, and has already been rewarded with her yogurt pretzels. Don't even have to await the outcome of tonight's game. She even smoked President Obama by 15 points.
  2. I will beat 1000 out of 1001 chimps (I will either lose to, or tie, one chimp).
  3. Most importantly, I again accomplished my most important goal and did not lose to She-Who-Is-A-Mostly-Good-Sport-About-My-Tournament-Watching.

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