Monday, May 19, 2008

Grandmaman in town

One problem that I have as a blog writer is where to start when there could be so much to say. I'll try and get over that today and simply say that we recently hosted my mom at our house, and it was fabulous to have her with us (Thanks Mom!). It really is too bad that we can't see her every month--such is the price of living far from family.

Our family thanks Grandma for the gift of the swing set (not shown in above picture--I don't have a downloaded picture yet). Though there is some benefit to going out to a park for the big swings, it relieves some pressure (to get the children to run around and exercise) to have one in our own backyard.

One completely foreseeable result of its installation is that it provides me with a workout for my ability to tolerate my children's risk-taking.

"Oooo, she's not supposed to be doing that. Yeesh, wait, she's gonna bang into her sister, and... uuum, climbing that way--oooh, time for me to go in and watch the water boil."

Hey, I worry about that stuff, what can I say?

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