Sunday, April 8, 2007


Oh, wow! Will someone remind me about a week before Easter to review this whole candy thing? Our children have very little candy ever, and today Olivia may have equaled her intake from the past year, including Halloween. At one point at our friend Louise’s house, a space around a spinning chair was cleared out and Olivia ran round and round pushing the chair, just to let her work off the sugar.

You’d think that after a morning of some candy, followed by dessert at brunch, that one of the two parents would say, as we found more candy provided by our dinner host, “Oh, thank you! Now children, you know you can’t have any more today, so we’ll save this for tomorrow.” But do we say that? Nooooo…

Lily had less sugar. She was interrupted by the fifteen diaper changes from diarrhea. Da Wife and I started keeping track who did the last change so we could insist that it was the other one’s turn.

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