"What happens if you get run over by a train?" she asked from her seat on the trail-a-bike.
"Oh that's not good," I replied.

"You would die."
"Does it make you flat?"
"Yeah, something like that," I said, wondering what to say if she wanted more details. Probably something like, it's yucky and isn't something to think about too much, because if you're dead, then you are just dead.
But she didn't immediately follow up, so as we watched the Wisconsin Central locomotives go by, I decided to talk about how I remembered trains.
"When I was a child like you, there used to be a car at the end of a long train called the caboose. And it..."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah", she interrupted. "I know all about that. That was back in the old days."
Yup. The old days. I am already being relegated to ancient history.
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