Tonight's dinner was a phonetic and gastronomic deconstruction of goulash. The first ingredient was the G-, known to most speakers of American English as zuchini or summer squash.
Then, the yellow OU-, looking like corn on steriods. I suspect hominy.
LA- is a transluscent bit whose name we dare not mention out loud, at least not in earshot of the children. (
Come close. It's onion.)
In most other dishes, SH would be referred to as broth, but this not most other dishes. Then, throw in some vegetarian protein stuff and rotini, and put it all together -- first the G- , then some OU-, add some mysterious LA- and how does the SH get there when I don't remember seeing in poured in. Mix in the fake meat and serve over big tubular pasta --Yum!

The photo here (not my own) shows gnocchi with goulash. That reminds me of a wonderful dinner I had with my Hearthaven friends at, umm Betsy's? house... can't quite remember that, but homemade gnocchi was involved, and it's fun, a bunch of work for carbo blobs, and it was delicious. Mmmm.
Genevieve's work with letters, sounds and phonetics is progressing, other than a reluctance to try to read early readers ("that's boring"). This phonetics lesson helped dinner go down.